Do You Need Breast Pump Malaysia?

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We all know that some moms have their own career. And sometimes they don’t have that much time to spend with their babies except on holidays. That is the reason why career moms need to have a breast pump Malaysia. That is because this breast pump Malaysia can help every mom to pump out their breast milk. But how did you want to know when you needed this breast pump?

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When You Need Breast Pump Malaysia

Breast pump - Do You Need Breast Pump Malaysia?
  • If your baby is unable to breastfeed, removing milk from your breasts often stimulates milk production and provides supplements to keep your baby well nourished until it can be breastfed. Expressing 8 to 10 times a day is often recommended as a guideline for newborns who are not breastfeeding. Using a breast pump is more efficient and less tiring than hand pumping if you need to pump regularly. If you don’t need the pump for a long time, she recommends renting a hospital pump for a month or two.
  • If your baby isn’t getting enough milk, expressing after feeding can increase your milk supply by emptying your breasts properly and stimulating milk production. As per the points above, manual pumps are useful for this purpose, but using a breast pump on a regular basis will be more efficient and cause less hand fatigue.
  • If your breasts are swollen – Expressing or hand-expressing to remove enough milk from your breasts to bring them back to a comfortable level may help reduce breast engorgement and reduce ductal blockage and mastitis is prevented.
  • If you will be away from your baby or back to work on a regular basis, you will need to express enough milk to feed your baby while you are away. Expressing milk is very effective when more is needed.
  • If you have flat, inverted, or sunken nipples, a breast pump will allow you to turn the nipples upside down before feeding.

Advantage of Breast Pump

  • Time saved. A breast pump offers you extra time to manage while your infant feeds. You can create a schedule that works for you and pump at that time.
  • Shared Obligations. Expressing and storing your breast milk makes it easier for others to help care for and feed your baby. This is especially helpful if the mother is recovering from childbirth or is waking up many times during the night to feed her baby.
  • Increase supply. Expressing helps mothers increase their milk supply. It also helps create an extra supply of milk to store in the freezer if needed.
  • Rest. Mothers are more flexible because they can store extra milk. Knowing your baby still has access to healthy breast milk gives you more freedom to leave the house for a few hours, take a vacation or enjoy a break. donor milk. If a woman is unable to produce breast milk, expressed breast milk is better for the baby than bottle feeding. Expressing may be the only way your baby gets milk.

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Type of Breast Pump

BreastPump - Do You Need Breast Pump Malaysia?
  1. Manual Pump – Manually press the lever to draw milk from the breast. He is usually one of the cheapest pump types.
  2. Silicone Pump – An integrated silicone pump with no moving parts that works by suction, creating a gentle vacuum pressure on the mammogenic tissue of one breast to feed the baby on the other breast to create a gap.
  3. Single Electric Breast Pump – An electric or battery powered breast pump that allows you to express each breast separately. Dual Electric Breast Pump. An electric or battery powered breast pump with two collection sets to allow you to express milk from both breasts at the same time. Newcomers to the pump market in recent years include a range of rechargeable, hands-free wearable pumps that can be discreetly slipped into a nursing bra.
  4. Hospital Grade Double Electric Breast Pump – Reliable, efficient and suitable for multiple users. These pumps are expensive to purchase and can be rented from pump manufacturers and hospitals.